Community Impact: January 2022
27 April 2022 - minneapolis


Welcome New Members:

We are excited to welcome The Arc MinnesotaMemorialize the Movement and Mario Yimi Barron Aguilar to Impact Hub MSP. Thank you for joining our community!

The Arc Minnesota People with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families trust The Arc Minnesota for help in addressing issues that affect their lives. The Arc Minnesota engages people with public policy, as well as provides individual advocacy and programming to support people and promote systems change. Our work is also supported by Arc’s Value Village.

“We invite you to be a part of the change by attending our gala, volunteering, starting a career with us, and getting involved in public policy.”

SDGs: No Poverty, Good Health & Wellbeing, Quality Education, Gender Equity & Reduced Inequalities

Memorialize the Movement is a grassroots, Black women led organization dedicated to the preservation of Black stories in Minneapolis. Their mission is to collect, preserve, and make accessible to the public the plywood art that emerged following the Minneapolis Uprising of 2020 that was a direct reaction to police brutality in our community.

SDGs: Good Health and Well-Being, Reduced Inequalities, and Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Learn more and support the movement!

In case you missed it:

To kick off the new year, Impact Hub MSP hosted a series of training sessions to help us reset for a fulfilling year. These workshops provided an opportunity to check in with our values, strengths and wellbeing.

Don’t worry if you missed it! Here are some recordings and resources to peruse on your own time. Impact Hub members and Hennepin County businesses can also set up 1-1 coaching with Jeff & Bri for free through our Experts Are In program.

30 Lessons From 30 Years with Jeff Kluge 

Wellness Retreat with Bri Huntington